This webpage is a demonstration application of a conceptual semi-automatic indexer. This project is funded by the LGI2P laboratory of the École des mines d'Alès.
The use case presented here relies on an movie genre structure and movies annotated by those genres. If you just want to quickly try out this tool, load the example movie collection and follow the steps.
This front-end application is developped and maintained by Nicolas Fiorini, PhD candidate at the École des mines d'Alès. Sylvie Ranwez, Jacky Montmain and Vincent Ranwez supervise this project through the whole PhD project supervision.
This prototype shows how USI can annotate a document when a neighborhood is identified. On this application, the neighborhood is implicitly defined by a click on the map. The map creation relies on data (titles, URIs, images...) taken from a Freebase dump.
Once the resources are loaded, the proper map creation relies on the Multi-Dimensional Scaling by using the MDSJ library:
Algorithmics Group. MDSJ: Java Library for Multidimensional Scaling (Version 0.2). Available at University of Konstanz, 2009.
The Semantic Measures Library is a keystone in this project, allowing USI to compute semantic similarities:
The Semantic Measures Library and Toolkit: fast computation of semantic similarity and relatedness using biomedical ontologies. Sébastien Harispe; Sylvie Ranwez; Stefan Janaqi; Jacky Montmain. Bioinformatics 2014 30(5): 740-742. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btt581